viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011

Unidad I. Uso apropiado del diccionario

  A continuación aprenderemos un poco más a darle el uso apropiado a una herramienta fundamental como lo es el Diccionario, en el cual podemos conseguir el significados que mejor se adapte al contexto que deseamos desarrollar, también se indicarán las categorias lexicales como: sustantivos, adjetivos, prefijos, preposiciones entre otros... 

 El texto habla del Liderazgo y Equipo de trabajo. 

Leadership and Teamwork:
Leadership The word comes from the English "leader", which means guide, rather than a component of the organization is a management process that focuses, streamlines, leads the human component of the company.
Managers or executives have to be strategic (planning), organizers  (Processes) and leadership (inspiring, innovative, enablers of change). A well-managed organization has great potential: leading minds. The leader does not is a gifted, a Messiah or a supernatural being, is the product of a process personal growth, which leads him to understand and measure their strengths and weaknesses, to know where and how to contribute to the achievement, in this case, the goals of the company.
The leader is able to inspire, guide and learn from others and learning to learn. A leader is a teacher and a student at the same time. There is a leader in isolation, is a context - the people -, hence mean mentioning the significance and importance of people who give the leading status. Currently, more than leaders, speaking of equipment,
groups,  organizations and leading companies.
The key is leadership group's strengths and relationships based on trust, respect as input and suggestions, on creativity both product design and in solving problems, challenges
shared and affection towards people.
People and their intelligence, "the group
leaders "are a value within the company.

Organization and Teamwor:

It is important to analyze and examine the required capacity of the company learn to work together, virtually guaranteed his stay in the market, you can not talk without learning organizational leadership equipment.
It is indisputable that organization and teamwork are concepts inseparable, but what is to be explored further in improving the efficiency of this
A team is a group of people who perform a common task which the links, organized and directed towards shared objectives.
For example, teams baseball or other sports.

 Actividad 1:

-Señalas las abreviaciones
             (lè duar)  s.  jefe  m  (guide)  guia   mf ;  (politician)  caudillo;   (first)

primero ; (`pipe)  canalon  m, conducto

(lè duar) : Pronunciación
S: sustantivo
Traducción: 1-jefe 2- guia 3- caudillo 4- primero5- canalon 6- conducto
M: masculino
Definición: Leader, guide, politician, first, pipe

Streamlines:  (stre´mer) tr. Construir en forma aerodinámica; (to modernize) modernizar.

(stre´mer): pronunciación
Tr: transitivo
Traducción:  Construir en forma aerodinámica
          Definición: (to modernize)
Traducción: modernizar

Innovative: ( ¨tiv) :  adj. innovador
             ( ¨tiv): pronunciación
             Adj: adjetivo
             Traducción: innovador

       -Señala las categorias lexicales
  • Palabras de contenido: groups,company,equipment  
    •  Palabras de Función: Of, in, to, on, but, or, and, that
    •  Sustantivos:  Managers or executives,  organizatión, leader
    •  Verbos:  Learn , have to be
    •  Adverbio:  Virtually
    •  Adjetivo:  Strategic, relationships  group´s
    •  Artículo:  the leader,  a organization
    •  Preposiciones:  Of, in, to, on, but
    •  Conjunción:  Or, and, that
    •  Cognados verdaderos:  Guide, Organizatión, companies , supernatural,  inspiring, process, product.
    •  Cognados Falsos:  Achievement, enablers
    •  Sufijo:  leadership, relationships
    •  Prefijos:  Supernatural, understand

    -La idea principal:
      Los lideres o directivos deben ser estratégicos, para conducir al personal humano a través de todos los procesos administrativos y de crecimiento para contribuir al logro y metas de la empresa. Actualmente más que un líder se habla de trabajo en equipo, grupos de líderes, los cuales representan el valor de la organización

    Espero haya cumplido sus expectativas y sea de interés para mucho de ustedes amigos lectores,
        deja tu comentario...Gracias!

                                                                          Lcda. Geraldine Gutiérrez.
    Conindustria - Coninpyme Program Information Center Isabel González: content compilers / compiler

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